-You have lost two teeth on the bottom, and you think it's cool that you can put a straw there.
-You love to have us read to you!
-You love playing soccer and you really think about how to play and what to do in the game.
-You wish that you could play goalie!
-You have discovered that showers are cool, and you like to do it all by yourself.
-Tying your shoes is a new accomplishment.
-The first week of school, you were relentless about wanting to buy your lunch. We finally had to come to a compromise that you could buy your lunch once a week. You make us read the lunch schedule and pick your day every Monday.
-You also think that it would be really cool to ride the school bus. You told me that kids that get to ride the bus are really lucky!
-Your favorite TV show is Max & Ruby on Noggin.
-You say that your favorite food is fish sticks and shrimp... but I think it's chocolate and Mexican food.
-I think if you could go anywhere on a moment's notice, it would be to Disney... you are your father's son in that respect! You love the magic of it all!
-You really love being a big brother to both Bryant and Sophie.
-Your best friends are Bryant,Luke, and Donovan at home; at school your good friends are Jacob, Cayden, Ethan, and Grant.
-You really like it on the weekends when you get to sleep as late as you want and we let you sleep on the pull out sofa in the toyroom.
-You still do the Tres-man rewind... where you suck in a breath and repeat what you just said when you're excited about what you're telling me.
-You are so good with numbers, and you seem to learn things very easily!
-You still don't mind giving Mommy and Daddy hugs and kisses.
-You love Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and LEGOS.
-We have a lot of nick names for you... Tres, Tres-man, T-man, T, Mr. T, and Booger Boy. They all just seem to roll off of our tongue. When you were itty bitty, and you got your first cold, I started calling you Booger and it just sort of stuck.
-You have ALWAYS been a happy baby and boy. You smile constantly. I have always called you my joy.
-You like to please Mommy & Daddy.
-I went to our first meeting with your teacher and got the news I already knew: You are way off the charts smart!!
-You are a defender of your brother and sister. Just the other night at Chik-fil-A, you made sure that a little boy who pushed Bry knew you weren't happy and then hugged Bry until he was better. I just love watching you guys love on each other.
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