We Interupt The Disney Show Currently In Progress...
Decision, decision....

Let me know what you think! We have an idea of what she's gonna be, so let's see if you get it!
The most wasted of all days, is one without laughter!
Decision, decision....
We left Grammy and Pop Pop's house before the sun came up and made it to Disney around 10 am... after a breakfast and gas stop. It was kind of rainy weather, but not enough to stop us from having fun!
I just scheduled a surgery for myself for mid-December. I wasn't too sure I was gonna post about it, but I figure, what the heck. I went to the doctor not long ago cause I was having some pain. Come to find out, I need a partial hysterectemy. So, that's what I have scheduled. I had to work it into our calendar after my homeschool class ends and before another one begins. Since we are spending Christmas at home this year, and since the doc told me the surgery recovery time is about a week, I felt like I could make it happen if I knew enough ahead of time to get stuff wrapped and ready for the big day!
Labels: surgery
I just want to remember these moments before they slip away forever.
Labels: mommy moment
I have had the following people sign up for the 'My Favorite Things' Swap:
We almost made it through another action-packed weekend with no causalities! Hankie and his parent's cheered Bama on in Tuscaloosa against Ole Miss to squeak out a win. Hank said it wasn't pretty... but it was a win. I don't think I've watched more than 30 minutes of football since the season started, what with soccer, volleyball, church and everything else that goes on. So, I'll just take his word for it!
Labels: Ava Sophia, video
So, ladies do you want the 'My Favorite Things' Swap to be just us, or do you want to spread the word on your blogs? Tell me whatcha think.
In case some of my readers don't know, I participate in a recipe blog. Check out the side bar for a link. We are always looking for new recipes! Anything from soups to cookie recipes. I love living in the internet age where I can say... "I wonder how to make [fill in the blank]?" and go punch it into google and find it so quickly!
I'm ready for 2008 Black Friday... Are you? This year, we plan to have Thanksgiving with Hankie's family. It never matters to me what holiday we are there... either Thanksgiving or Christmas... just as long as all the ladies do the shopping the day after together! I just love it! For some reason, their high, constant energy is contageous. And they are ALWAYS so well informed about what sale items are where and what times the stores open...
Labels: shopping
When I worked for my Dad, his version of employment screening was calling the applicants previous employer. That didn't always work out, cause in the plumbing business, it's a possibility that that employer is no longer a business!
Hank and I are about to head off with the family on what looks like might be our last trip to Disney this year. I know, you're all shocked. Here's my dilema. I usually ride in the back with the kids so I can change out DVD's, feed Miss Priss, and stretch out a little. Last time, I took bows to make.... I can do that again, but I' not sure I want to. I could take my coupon book and catch up on clipping... and I seriously need to, but who wants to do something you NEED to do on a vacation. So I thought about getting a couple of downloadable audio books in our MP-3 player. I really love reading, but usually don't have time for it. If it just involves my hearing I could still be hands free to help. THe more I think about it, the more I like the idea!
Labels: Disney
I came home from seeing the late showing of Fireproof with my friend Kelly last night and headed straight into bed.
Labels: marriage
Tres was named Star Student of the Month last week at school, and came home proudly wearing a blue ribbon pinned to his shirt. He kept it on all weekend. I meant to, but never did take a picture of him with the ribbon... and now, well, let's just say that the ribbon fought the washer, and the washer won.
Labels: mommy moment
Okay, ladies and gentleman... I have an idea! It involves all of you and I think it will be super fun if we get some good participation.
Over the past football weekend, Hank's best friend from high school, Danny, came into town with his wife, Jackie, and their two kids, Morgan and Luke. Danny LOVES the University of Kentucky and was thrilled to come in and go to the UA vs. UK game, even though they got beat. The guys had a football filled time, and Jackie and I had a good time with the kids! We got Jackie's haircut, and visited the mall, then we came back home and dyed Jackie's hair and then when the guys got home, I took Jackie with me to introduce her to CVS. She was intrigued! Saving money intrigues everyone, huh? Here are a few pics from the weekend... of the kids of course.
Ava Sophia has pretty long hair, so I decided the other day to try out pig tails.
Bry got to go on his first field trip a couple of weeks ago! He was so stinkin' excited about it! Hank got to take him, which was one of Bry's requests. His class went to the Children's Theatre and saw 'The Country Mouse and the City Mouse.'
Labels: Bryant, field trip
Yeah right! After my home school class on Tuesday, two soccer practices, filling in at the shop for the past two days, and a billion other things that took place this week, I now have one day to get my house in shape before my in-laws and a couple friend of ours and their kids get here tomorrow! That includes grocery shopping and cooking! It's doable. We've barely been at home, so it's a little messy but not too dirty. And I've managed to stay on top of laundry somewhat. Go me!