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Joyful Noise!

The most wasted of all days, is one without laughter!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Extention Please!

I have had the following people sign up for the 'My Favorite Things' Swap:


How would everyone feel about extending the sign up by one week?

That would mean, that anyone can email me ( their address by Sunday, October 26th.

Then we will give everyone a full week to get their package together.

If you haven't posted it on your blog yet, DO IT!! Let's get a bunch of ladies together so we can for sure pair people that don't know each other and maybe make some new friends!

I'm looking forward to this and have changed my mind about what to put in mine about a hundred times already!


Blogger Nicole said...

Thats fine by me!

9:40 AM  
Blogger dana said...

Can you give me some examples of things to put in? I have one idea and I am not a creative person so that rules that out... What kinds of things are examples?

10:26 AM  
Blogger Tabbie:) said...

Thanks for the comment. I don't agree about the shirt but I will let it slide.
I would love to participate in the swap but I just don't have the spare money to do so. Maybe next time.
Have a GREAT week!!!

11:03 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

i am okay with extending it. just one question, can we only put three things in?

11:44 AM  
Blogger Jamie said...

Okay, to Dana... an example of things to put in... if you really like brownies, put in a package of brownie mix. My family and I have been to Disney a bunch, so I might include something with Disney on it. Think about your favorite smells, and see if you can find something that smells like that. Think about your favorite color and maybe do something with that.

To Tabbie... you better do it next time!

To Sarah... my list of things is already up to six. I say 3 or more!

12:17 PM  
Blogger Tabbie:) said...

Next time it is then! Can't wait to read all about this swap! Have fun!

7:43 AM  
Blogger Tabbie:) said...

What a sweet sweet comment. It's so good to know that even in my journey and all it's blunders I can inspire others for Jesus. Makes the battle ridden journey all the more worth it!! Thank you for that!! God is using you right where you are toom know that!! Thank you for letting Him use you!! I am so thankful for this little blog world and the encouragement it sends my way through you!

1:29 PM  

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