So here I sit at 6:40 afraid that if I close my eyes, I won't get Tres to school on time, and will fall asleep and miss grabbing the phone at 8 am and instantly calling the doctor to make Bryant an appointment.
The weekend was good. We started it off on Friday pretty good. Hank got off at 2:30 which is unheard of. He switched shifts with one of the other guys. So we did some family oriented stuff like decorating the front of the house a little... it's still now done and it needs a lot of tweaking. Some lights twinkle and some don't, and I like consistency, but I'm not so annoyed that I have to fix it!
Then Friday night, we went and introduced our friends Chad and Mandy to our favorite Mexican restaurant, Del Toro. They loved it, too! I don't think we've ever taken someone there and they didn't like it. Then we came back to my messy house and played games and cards until nearly midnight when we finally noticed all the kids passing out around us! ha! I forgot to take pictures cause we were laughing so hard at Chad trying to be a part of Mad Gad. I REALLY wish I had my camera out for that.
Saturday morning we had a good, slow morning. Then Hankie had to get ready to go to the shift he switched for and we went over to my parent's house. They suggested we go to Jim 'n Nicks, and I was so all about it!

I forgot Sophie's bib, so the napkin had to do! She looked like a little bandit! I gotta say, since she got through cutting those molars (which put her count up to 12 teeth now), she's been so happy and fun!

The boys got to go spend some special time with grandaddy after we ate. I wish I could have got my camera out in the parking lot cause I have this mental image of Grandaddy holding Tres's hand and Tres holding Bryant's hand... I just couldn't manage to jungle Sophie to the other hip and get the camera out before they got into the car. I went and tried to help Mom do some Christmas shopping, but Sophie girl was DUN with the car seat and stores, so after Belk and JC Pennies, we called it a night!
I should mention that Bryant's left ear had started draining and he was up and down a little on Friday night. We treated it with Tylenol and pain numbing drops. He slept through on Saturday night, and since we knew what was wrong, and we HATE afterhours, we decided to try and make it to today.
Anyway, Sunday we headed to church where the boys apparently found something to do during praise and worship.

Hmmm... I guess we need to talk again about what praise and worship is for! :)
After church, we grabbed a quick lunch and had a quick volleyball meeting. Then we decided to take the kids to see Bolt. Tonnie and Brett met us with Luke and Sierra. It was a funny movie!! And the kids thought they were big stuff cause we let them sit at the top of the theatre without us.
Then we came home and everyone seemed normal... well, normal for us anyway.

But this is what we have this morning... a little boy who has such a bad earache that he can't sleep lying down because of the pressure!

Now I just have to juggle a Toys for Tots Promotions shoot, Tres's Thanksgiving Banquet (which I promised to be at since I haven't made it to any others), and a doctor's appointment. All of these are about 30 miles apart. Deep breath... I'm going in...
Labels: Bryant, doctor