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Joyful Noise!

The most wasted of all days, is one without laughter!

Friday, November 07, 2008

These Are Just A Few...

I'm so excited! I finished my package for the Favorite Things swap and got it all mailed and stuff! I want very badly to share the pics and tell you guys what I sent, but I don't want to badly enough to spoil the surprise for Sarah! I had so much fun doing this... and I learned that I have A LOT of favorite things!

Here are just a few that I couldn't put in a package:

~rainy Saturdays
~sleeping in
~baby kisses
~baby laughter
~the smell of a freshly washed child
~fresh baked cookies... hot off the pan, please!
~the excitement of the holidays!
~putting away my swimsuit till next year... Yeah!!
~dressing up

Okay, I think I could go on and on, but I gotta go get Bry!


Blogger Valerie said...

I have so much I want to send too...A night by the fire, a clear moonlit sky, snow, the twinkle in a Daddy's eye...

6:25 PM  

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