Yesterday I took Sophie and Bry to see our pediatrician again. Sophie has a rattle when she breaths. I mean, when I'm just holding her I can feel her breathing. That plus a very wet cough, and it was getting a little scary. Bryant never complains much, but I saw him pulling at his ear on Sunday, and he has been looking like he just didn't feel a hundred percent (you know how they get that droopy look around their eyes?).
Well, the doc listened to Soph first and wanted to do a breathing treatment on her to see if that would help her breathing. While we waited on a nurse to bring in the nebulizer, Sophie entertained herself with the paper on the table.
Then the pediatrician took a peek into Bryant's ears and sure enough... bam... another double infection. His last one was a month ago, so the doc recommended seeing an ENT again. Bry has had two sets of tubes, so I'm not sure if that's what we headed for again or not... but man I'm ready for my little boy to NOT have to deal with pain in his ears.
Funny story... when the doctor looked in Bryant's ears, he said, "There's fluid in there. There are definitely bubbles." When he said that, Bryant cut his big, brown eyes over to me really quick and gave me this guilty little smile. When the doctor left to go get Sophie Girl her breathing treatment, here was the conversation:
Tres: Mom, I know why Bryant has bubbles in his ears.
Mom: Why, Tres? [I was already trying not to smile]
Tres: Cause when we were at Grandma's, he ate some of the bubble stuff.
Mom: [Turning to Bryant] Did you do that?
Bry: Yes. But it didn't taste good!
Mom: Well thank God they're non-toxic.
Tres: What does that mean?
The fun never ends, I suppose!

The nurse brought in the nebulizer and we did a 15 minute treatment on Little Miss A-boo.

At first, she wasn't excited at all about having something over her nose and mouth. But once she realized she could breath and that Momma was with her (awww!) she relaxed and went with it. It also helped that I got Tres to grab my camera and take some pictures. You guys know I love you when I let my 5 1/2 year old handle my camera.

Here she is close to end of the treatment. I think she was watching Bryant break dance here. I really need to get some video of that for you guys. It's a treat... take it from me.
The doctor checked out Tres's ears too while we were there, but he was fine.

However, as the day went by, Tres's eyes got redder and redder, and this morning he woke up with a cough. Allergies seem to be kicking my families perverbial bottom right now!
The rest of our day went by pretty quickly. I took the kids to get some food, and Hank was able to meet us since he works close to their pediatrician's office. Then we headed to get haircuts and stopped by to see Grandma at the shop. Grandma let them head home with her to jump on the trampoline, while I got Sophie home for a real nap (complete with humidifier!). Then volleyball and home. Once I got home, I had to get Tres's lunch packed for his class field trip to the zoo. Hank was able to switch shifts with someone and go with him, since they don't allow siblings. That worked out for the best, because this morning Bry woke up with a hot little body! And his promptly threw up on my bed. I bathed him and he is watching Bob the Builder and drinking Sprite.
Labels: Ava Sophia, Bryant, doctor