Today, our accounts were frozen because of a mis-key by the teller when we opened an account for the funds from the sell of our home. Interesting to say the least. Aggrevating is more like it.
I went to my 34 week (according to the doctor) check up today. I'm not posting this to brag, believe me. But I got in trouble today from the doctor because I have gained a total of 5 pounds this pregnancy. I told him that I have been eating everything in sight, but my life has JUST NOW slowed down a bit. He told me that I needed to gain some weight by my next appointment! So, here I sit at 10, eating a bowl of ice cream guilt-free! :) And just so people don't think my baby isn't getting what she needs, I am measuring good. I am a little sad, though. This was my last appointment with Dr. Hudson. He is retiring from the baby business. His son is taking over his patients. We will see if he is a good fit for us. I meet him at my next appointment.
I have a baby shower for baby girl this weekend! I am so excited! I felt a little guilty about having another shower, but my sister and mom planned it so that it's more of a potluck get-together than anything and I am looking forward to hanging out with the ladies.
Take a look at what I think she will be coming home from the hospital in:

Isn't it pretty? My Mom and SIL, Kayla, took me shopping at some specialty shops. I had to agree to look with an open-mind because I'm not 100% sold on smocked clothing. But I fell in love with this little traditional dress. I plan on storing it, and passing it down to baby girl. The blanket I found at Marshell's for dirt cheap!
Kayla also told me about a Hankerchief Bonnet.

It's a bonnet they wear as infants, and then you keep it, and when she gets married, you snip the stitching and it's a hankerchief for her 'something old.' I love little bits of tradition like that! Something memorable and beautiful to pass on.
I was also able to find my boys some 'Big Brother' shirts.

I was so excited that the little stick boy has a baseball in his hand. It just seems to go with our lives right now (tee-ball!). The boys are excited to wear it... "But not until the baby comes out, Momma!"
Hank and I made the door hanger for the hospital door last night. It turned out so cute and I am so proud! I wish I could post it, but that would ruin the surprise of her name! :) It's a picture frame that we painted, then added her name to. We plan on putting the meanings of her first and middle name in the picture part until we have a good picture. Then there is a little heart hanging from the bottom, where we plan to add her weight and birthday info. So pretty! We're gonna hang it in her nursery.
Okay, enough babbling! I think I'm ready for some rest!
Labels: baby, finances