Play dates

I gotta say, I love play dates! Especially with good friends! The boys and I were able to meet up with my friend Becca, her four-month-old Madeliene, and her little boy Caleb for a play date at Chik-fil-A. My boys LOVE playing with their buddy! And Becca and I were fortunate enough to snag the booth right by the playground so we could sit, eat, and talk all while watching our little 'angels' play.
We figured something out too. Instead of making them sit with us, we let them sit at the table right behind us to eat... and they actually ATE instead of picking and then begging to play.
There was this girl in the playground that kept kicking Caleb. We thought maybe it was retaliation of some sort until we actually saw her corner Tres and Caleb and kick them for no reason. Then Tres said, "That hurt! Don't do that!" but didn't kick back {pausing for a proud momma moment!}. I marched myself in there and told her, very politely but with the 'motherly' tone, not to kick our sons anymore. It turns out she was there with a friend and her mom so no one was actually watching her!
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