Our 'RESTFUL' Sunday
Sunday morning started for me sometime between 4:30 and 5 am. I started experiencing cramping. That happens sometimes, so I thought it would pass. I stayed in bed with my legs up until about 7:30, when I knew that it should have passed. I got up and called the Nurse Hotline and got dressed. I was expecting them to tell me to drink water, get my feet up, yada, yada, yada. But instead they told me to come right in.
A quick phone call to my parents and we were out the door with our two sleepy, pj-clad little boys. We met my dad at the next exit and transferred the kids.
We were at the hospital by about 8:45. They sent me back to a familiar little room, where I had spent a BUNCH of time during all those trips for false labor when Bryant was due!

Anyway, they thought I was dehydrated, so they brought in a can of Sprite and a pitcher of water and gave Hank instructions to refill it every time I emptied it. I didn't think I was dehydrated, but I started drinking.

Hank made me laugh a lot during this trip to the L & D. He kicked back in the chair in the room like he was making himself at home.

After all of that... and several billion trips to the bathroom... the nurse came in a told me I had a... {DRUMROLL PLEASE} bladder infection. So after a shot of antibiotics and a prescription we were out of there by 11. Not too bad.
I did react a little funny to the shot though. Since it was on an empty stomach, and because they had to mix it with a pain killer of some sort... I started getting shakey and spacey! Hank took me to eat, which helped. But I barely remember stopping to get the kids or the ride home. I crashed at home for about 2 hours after that hard. But I feel much better today!
i remember those trips... oh what fun!
Ok, seriously no more of that because that freaks me OUT!!!! How far does the ultrasound say you should be? I know you think you are longer but shouldn't the ultrasound be able to tell?
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