I have been meaning to post some tee ball stuff. It has really been a lot of fun to watch the boys at practices and games!

This was their first practice. We didn't know that there was going to be a little girl on his team! And I let him wear that shirt! :)

This was the first team meeting. I love how involved all the parents are. At any of the practices and games you will find at least 4 parents on the field with the coach and team.

Here's Bryant waiting for one of his practices to get started. He is the smallest and youngest member of his team. When he is wearing the batting helmet, he looks like Chicken Little! And he rarely runs to the right base. But he LOVES to play!

Hank gives Tres some instruction during their last game. Bryant is in the background on the bench waiting his turn to hit.

Here he is with Colin, Brennon, and Bryce. One of the other mother's made all the kids a bucket with their name on it to help keep them out of the batting area. They sat on them until they realized that they could wear them or fall off of them. Either way, they were entertained, we were entertained, AND they stayed out of the batting area!

They had team pictures over the weekend. The boys did SO good! We did individual pics of each boy, a team picture, and we did a 'buddy shot' with both of our boys. When we get them back, I will be sure and post those!
The games are all fun to watch! The kids do great for the first two innings... but by the third (and last) they are all about done and ready for other things.
Labels: tee ball