While Tres and Bryant were in school, Sophie and I headed out to pick up a few gifts for my eight year old! Do you like her outfit? She WOULD NOT be swayed from her Ariel costume.

I seriously can't believe it's been 8 years since Henry John was born and took Hank and I from 'couple' status to 'family!'

So after he got home from school and after his Daddy got home from we gave him gifts from us. Just look at that smile! He has been a smiler since the moment he was born... what a joy! And that his brother is his best friend is a prayer that is answered and a bond I hope lasts their whole lives.

Lego's and silly bands were top on the list this year! Then we followed the present opening with his favorite meal... chicken Alfredo! I didn't have time to make a cake on his actual birthday, and I knew I was making one for his party... but I live next door to Becky Crocker... and she wasn't about to let that happen!

So she whipped up a giant cupcake and a batch of cupcakes and all the neighborhood kids came over and enjoyed!

This year, instead of a huge party, Tres decided to invite a handful of kids to go see a movie with him. So, while Hank took them to the theatre, I stayed home and boiled hot dogs, finished his cake, and made homemade ice cream.

Before you guys all think I'm just a one hit wonder with the stinkin' LEGO cake, I must say, they now request this cake... I tried to do a black base LEGO and then build on it with a green one, but I only had enough black dye to make the icing a sickly gray color... so completely green was what we ended up with!

Homemade chocolate ice cream was also a birthday boy request!

One of the gifts Hank and I gave him were tickets to Six Flags. So we planned to go the next weekend!

He received mostly money, because he has been saving for a DSi XL for a while. So he was so excited to be able and take his birthday money that night and get one!
I was so excited about taking my family to Six Flags! I have been to Six Flags many times as a little girl, teen, and young adult... but I think the last time I had been was when I was around 21!

The boys talked big about trying this roller coaster or that one... but in the end... the only ones they rode were the Mine Train one and the one in Toon Town (all accompied by Mom since Dad doesn't do heights!). We also rode Thunder River several times (including a petrified Sophie who glued herself to my side and buried her head in my arm the entire ride!) and Splash Mountain. I'm sure that I am mixing up the Disney names and the Six Flags names... but oh well!

I had so many more pictures, but something happened to the memory chip in our camera and these were the only ones that made it! Bummer... but at least we have something to remember the day with.
All in all, a very good birthday extravaganza for Mr. Tres man! Following is a list of things I want to remember about him right now:
- He still does a version of the Tres man rewind... this occurs when he gets excited when telling a story. He will sort of suck in his breath and repeat in a whisper what he just said.
- He is obedient and kind!
- He does not want to leave his brother out (he's okay with leaving his sister out though!)
- He is tall for his age.
- He reads on a 5th grade level.
- He loves to ride bikes.
- I don't think he will ever outgrow LEGOS!
- His unquestioning belief in God is an incredible example to me.
- Although he went through a phase where kissing Mom was not cool, he has now decided that it's okay (at home and where no one can see it!).
- Even though he could have had his own room when we moved, he wanted to share one with his brother.
- He has decided this year, that he doesn't like cake anymore... even the special ones his mommy makes for him on his birthday.
- His misses Alabama, but loves his new home and friends.
- He would hang out with his Daddy 24/7.