New Floors!
After our volleyball season, our team gave Hank and I a gift certificate to Home Depot as a thank you! I guess we had talked enough about home improvement projects for them to know what the perfect gift for us would be! We put that gift certificate to good use this past weekend....

From the very beginning, I hated the floor. The quality of installation was probably a lot of what led to my opinion on the matter... I would mop and pull up half of the linoleum floor. I didn't mind so much the way it looked, but I hated the huge seem over near the pantry and the way that the pantry closet was not completely done, so you could see the nice older and much uglier blue choice beneath...

And when Hank started taking it out, we discovered the original linoleum was also a nice shade of ugly. In fact, my dad said it was probably asbestes or something toxic like that. Nice...

So for a week or so, we had a nice natural wood look going on, followed shortly by a dusty backer board look!

But on Saturday afternoon, my brother came over to help Hank accomplish our first D.Y.I. tile job!

Here are Hank and Matt getting ready to start. See the box fan in the window?? My A/C was not quite fixed. My Dad ordered the part, but had not had an opportunity to put it in just yet. So these guys sweated it out! I felt so bad for them both!

Laying the first tiles...

Cutting a few pieces...

Laying the last tile! Hank and Matt made a killer team! They were quick and neat! And I could not be happier with the finished product!! Ta Da!!

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