Bryant's Birthday Party

We did a late birthday party for Bryant last weekend. It was a lot of work, but everything turned out so cute!! It all started when I found some cute birthday invitations at walmart that had a colorful caterpillar on the front. Then I found ceramic bugs in the arts and craft section for the kids to paint. Then I found a recipe for dirt cake on an ice cream cone box. Then I put gummy worms in them and fake flowers. I put together little summer time goodie bags. But my favorite part was the bug antennaes that Hank and I made for the kids to wear. So while they were playing on the playground, painting their bugs, and eating cake they were all wearing the cutest anteannaes!! When I get home tonight I will post some pics of them.
Two problems came up though. Even though I made the dirt cake cupcake cone things the morning of the party, by the time it was party-time, the cones had gotten soggy. So while they looked cute, no one ate any because they were a mess!! Thank God my mom had insisted on buying a regular cake for the adults!!

The other problem was with the pavilion at the park. I had had a rough weak last week in that I had developed a cyst on one of my ovaries and was in a lot of pain, so I never made it over to city hall to reserve a pavilion. When I realized that I wasn't going to make it over to make the reservation, I called up there. I spoke to a very nice lady who said that they couldn't control people wanting to use the pavilions. She also told me that I could just go to the park Saturday morning and claim one of the pavilions that wasn't tagged with a reserved sign. She said that they weren't all reserved. So I went there that morning and found two that weren't tagged. I grabbed the one that was more out of the way. Halfway through the party, a lady shows up all flustered and announced that this was HER pavilion. I explained that I had taken that one because it wasn;t tagged and what the lady at city hall said, but she and her husband were quite rude. It made for an interesting party though!! They ended up at the other available pavilion, so no harm no foul. I tried to go and apologize again, but she was still rude. Oh well. We still had fun, and the kids had a blast!