Quick Week Review
Here are some pictures of the kids at Grammy's funeral service... it's rare to have them all together... and even more rare for them to all look so pretty! :)

My handsome boys!

The girls, from the top, left: Heather (complete with Build A Bear), Maggie (in turquoise shirt), Delaney (black boots and white shirt), Ashton (holding Itty Bitty), and the Diva herself, Ava Sophia.

The boys, from the top: Donovan, Fletcher, Bryant, Tres, and my driver for the week, Ryan.
This week, we have been having a blast with Hank's sister Jackie and her family in Chattanooga. Aunt Jackie signed Tres us to go to Art Camp with his cousin Donovan and we decided to make a week of it. Lots of laughs... and I mean lots. My face hurt the other day from laughing so much!
Here's a quick story for you: The other night, Sophie was trying to listen to Delaney's Ipod, so Delaney found her a song. Here's how the conversation went:
Delaney: Do you like it, Sophie? [Sidenote: These children are so good with Sophie!]
Sophie: uh, huh!
Delaney: It's about Mickey Mouse.
Me: [straining to hear, but already smiling cause I think I know what song is playing] Let me hear that.
Then I hear, "Hey, Mickey, you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind!" coming out of the headphones and started laughing!
Me: That's now about Mickey Mouse, Laney.
Delaney: It's not?
That's just a small taste. We went for a walk the other night, and because I am ever so graceful, I slipped in mud and landed on my hiney in it... so I limped back to Jackie's house with mud on my feet, my butt, and my arms. And that was the day that Sophie decided to take off her poopie diaper in the backyard. The kids were FREAKING out, let me tell you! And my nephew Donnie Mac (AKA Donovan) was heading for the slip n slide and went down a good two feet in front of it and got a mouthful of grass... I laughed until my side hurt on that one! Anyway, I could go on and on, but I digress.
This week, we have been dropping kids off at camp and then doing some random things... grocery shopping, going to Wal-Mart, Target, the mall... just wherever we wanted. Now get this... most of the time, we were being driven around by my 15 year old nephew, Ryan! Talk about making sure your life is right with your Maker before getting in! Lol! Just kidding, Ryan. He takes it very seriously and is doing very well.
Once we pick the kids up from Art Camp, we usually head back to Jack's house for some backyard fun.

Slip 'n Slide, trampoline, badmitton, tetherball, super soaker... and then there's always Wii, games, movies, and toys inside too!

Here is a random shot for you guys! I forgot to bring any little swimmers with me, so Soph's bottoms wouldn't stay on! Love it!

I am bringing my two nieces, Delaney and Maggie, home with me for a week, then I'm gonna give them back to their Momma and take Donovan! I love family.