Sandwich Anyone?
I have found that I have been getting more tired lately. Astonishing, I know, since I am growing a little person inside of me! :) So, lately, when the boys are resting, I try to catch a power nap. The other day, Bryant came into the den and woke me up. He pulled on my hand and said, "Com'on Mommy." I was a little disoriented so it took me a minute to get up. When I did, he led me to the kitchen counter where he had accumulated everything we needed to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Bread, peanut butter, jelly, plate, and butter knife!

He's just too smart! You better watch out for that one.
you ready for those exploding diapers again? I am so excited for ya.
Hey, it seems that Bry is growing up to be a big brother just in time. Fixing his own sandwach and all.
HOW SWEET!! He's gonna be Mommy's little helper.
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