Finding the Culprit
I came home from volleyball practice the other night, and Hank told me that he had bathed Bryant again (I had bathed both boys before I left). He said that Tres was not in the bath, but played in the bath while Bryant was in the tub.
According to Hank, after he had let the water out and got Bry ready for bed (again), he saw a toy boat in the toilet. He removed that, and realized it was stopped up.
We called my WONDERFUL Daddy, and he sent Ryan over the next morning to clear it. (For those of you who don't know or remember, my dad owns a plumbing company, where I worked as his office manager for 3 years). The boys were enthralled with the whole process. They sat and watched intently while Ryan ran an auger down the toilet. And when he finally pulled back a broken army man, they cheered for him.
So here's my question for you: Who was the culprit?

it was Bryant, i know it was cause he kept trying to put stuff into the toilet
I say Bryant with the coaxing of Tres. Love the pictures!
I think it was the Daddy!!
I say it really doesn't matter because whoever it was, they were only sending in the army man to rescue the other things flushed down the toilet!!!
well based soley on the pictures I would guess Bryant, but if Tres knows Bryant is always the first suspect he may use that to his advantage... either way sounds like you have your hands full.
My $$$ is on Bryant!
I think Bry-Bry is I N N O C E N T until proven GUILTY!!
I think mommy was tired of tripping over them and she shoved it down the toilet herself! too bad it back fired on her :)
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