It is time for an update, I must say! I'm such a slacker! We are all well here. It's still an adjustment with only one car, but we are saving on gas, so that's good!
This past weekend, I had some pain and stuff and had to spend the weekend taking it easy. It turned out to be those pesky cysts again, but this time, no pain pills could help me out since we have little 'Peanut Butter' (as Crystal calls the baby) to think about! Everything is feeling back to normal, I'm just not going full steam ahead right now.
Tres and I have been working with letters more and more everyday. He can recognize what letter a lot of words start with. And he can count up to forty almost on his own. He understands the concept of counting... we are working on learning to count my tens so that counting to 100 will be a piece of cake! Tres is such a joy. He's playing GameCube a lot, and doing very well at it.
Bryant... well what can I say about Mr. Attitude. He's pulled the towel bar out of the wall in my bathroom. He's spilled about ten drinks already this week. He gets mad if he doesn't get his way. But the kid gives the BEST kisses in the world. He also would take about 5 baths a day if I would let him! Oh, and his newest phrases are "Wait up, guys!" and "Uh huh! Oh yeah!" Here's what happened when I went to answer the phone the other night. Phone rings, I leave the room for a minute... come back, and here's what I find:

An empty can of bath foam, and one very clean little boy!
Tres told me this morning that Jesus told him our baby was a girl. He also said that Jesus made ice cream and the ice cream man, so it was all good. Then he informed me that we are all made out of dirt that doesn't come off. Smart kid! He picks up on all the Bible stories he hears from us and from his teachers at church.
Bry-Bry is going thru the three's a little early!!!hahahahahaha
Love that post! I like your updates! Give Peanut Butter a pat for me.
Bryant reminds me soooooooooooooooo much of my Ky-guy!!!
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