My boys like to play Santa and Reindeer a lot still. Tres keeps asking me if I'll tell him or show him where Santa lives. He is very curious about it all. I told him that Santa takes a long vacation after Christmas, and then he has to start his list all over again.
We're doing good. Being without one of our vehicles is all right. Nothing that we can't handle for the time being! Especially since the end game is a new one with a low payment! :)
I've got to get a lot of things taken care of today. My Mom is coming to pick us up soon to run a few errands. Like going to the bank, cancelling insurance on the van, etc. Fun stuff, I know.
I've been getting overwhelmed super easy these last few days. Even breaking into tears, which is so not like me. I just keep telling myself to take things one step at a time. And all this stuff (cars, house, etc.) will make the time pass quickly until the baby comes! We plan on taking the boys to hear the heartbeat on January 31st! Let's all say a prayer for a fast heartbeat! Cause according to the doctors, fast heartbeats are generally girls and slower one are generally boys!
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