Ride 'em Cowboy!
Today I tackled one of my least favorite chores around the house... cleaning out the boys closets. Well, I tackled Bryant's closet first because it's the most accessible and seems to take the longest. My mom came over to help me so that was nice. While we were busy talking and folding and storing and trying to figure out how much longer he would stay in this size or how long he would be in that size, Bryant and Tres entertained themselves like champs!

I found them trying out there sit in spin dressed up like cowboys today. Bryant always gets really interested in his cowboy boots when I'm working on weeding out his shoes (he's a shoe fanatic, you understand). So he wore them around until we were done. He is also sporting his underwear today. They stayed clean today... but who know's about tomorrow!
Tres's closet is on tap for tomorrow morning. Can't you just feel the excitement? I cleaned out my own closet last week. And when I say clean, I mean stripped bare! I stored all of my regular clothes in bins, labeled them and stacked them in our den. Hopefully this house will sell quickly (Thank you Lord for the right buyers at the right time!), so I have begun getting things ready for a move.
Bryant looks like the Naked Cowboy that stands in the streets on New York playing his guitar except Bry is sittin' and spinnin'!!
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