Anything & Everything
I had to take Bryant to the doctor on Monday because he was tugging on his ear. He has a severe ear infection that we are treating with antibiotics and ear drops... again. This child has had more ear infections! He has also had two sets of tubes. If this starts another chain of infections, we could be looking at a third set. Hopefully not!
I'm beginning to pooch now. People are noticing. I'm sure some of thinking, "Is she pregnant or just overweight?" :) But it's just an awkward stage. I've already been dipping into my maternity clothes. Which seems early, but the doc told me it would be earlier with this one.
I've started to get some appetite back. Usually I can eat something first thing... and then again at night. It's the day time I have a hard time with. Nothing sounds appealing or appetizing at all!
In fact, last night I went over to my parent's house and made the whole family dinner. I made the Olive Garden Alfredo Sauce, along with Spaghetti and meatballs. Everything tasted fine. I ate a small portion of fettucini alfredo with chicken. But by the time I made it home, reflux was in full effect... and by 10 I was puking. It was horrible the second time around!
The boys are missing their cousins in Voldosta and in La Grange very bad. They ask me almost daily if we can go see them. I wish we could! As soon as volley ball is over, we're gonna plan a trip.

I also get asked when we can go to the airport and pick up Grammy & Pop Pop a lot!! You see, my father-in-law built and flies his own plane. Here's a picture of the last time they flew in. There is an airstrip just down the road from our house and we go and pick them up when they come to visit.

Well, I guess that's about it. Until next time!
Thanks for the lovely comment. You've got a couple of handsome boys there. I hope Bryant's ear infection clears up. Congratulations on your pregnancy too.
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