Tres Stuff

Tres has been pretty entertaining and informative lately. The other day I gave him some root beer in a cup before we headed off on a errand. As we're driving this is what he says:
Tres: "Ahhhh! I love root beer, Mom."
Mom: "Um hum."
Tres: "Does root beer have caffeine?"
Mom: "Most root beers don't. Why?"
Tres: "Well, I can have caffeine at daytime, but not at night. At night I need free."
Mom: "You do? Why can't you have caffeine at night?"
Tres: "Cause it makes my brain stay awake. Just like sugar gets in your brain. So I have to have free at night, okay Mom?"
Tres: "Cause it makes my brain stay awake. Just like sugar gets in your brain. So I have to have free at night, okay Mom?"
Mom: "Well, if you say so!"
Tres's cousin Luke has been finding that Tres is a very attentive student and teaching him all sort of stuff. Tres has also decided out of the blue that he likes brocolli. He decided one day in the car, and the next day proved it by eating everyone's brocolli off of their plates. I'm not one to pass up an opportunity so I bought two bags of it, and we had some tonight. Once his decision was made, though, it seems to have stuck. He cleared his plate tonight of all veggies! Yeah! Now if only we could get Bryant to try ANYTHING other than meat and bread!
He's so cute!
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