The First Step is Always the Hardest
We have had an awesome weekend! Saturday, it started by a few phone calls from guys interested in our van. We posted it in the Mule Trader. So we got up and got busy cleaning it out thoroughly. After we got done we just chilled at the house for a while. Then we decided to go and park it at my Dad's plumbing shop. So we did that, then took the boys to play at a park. It has been unseasonably warm and we have been enjoying a lot of outdoor time.
This morning, we woke up late for church but rushed around and made it in plenty of time. Just before it started, Hank got a call on the van. Someone making a cash offer. So Hank made plans to call him back with out decision after church. Church was awesome! Pastor Tommy is talking about Community. He spoke today about how important it is to get to know one another through small groups and fellowship. He said that everyone has a story and that what makes us a community, because what you're going through, chances are that someone else may have already gone through it. So he had Shawn O'Brien and I give our testimonies.
After church, we came home and got a Bill of Sale ready for the van, and found the title and signed it over. Then Hank went and met Santos and sealed the deal. So we are now a one car family. The next step is to sell the Corvette! Then we will be taking our wrecked Mazda (you know, the one I wrecked at Crystal's house a while back) and trading it in at one of those 'push, pull, drag it in for a minimum of $3000' sales. So we will have a healthy down payment and a very minimal payment for a brand new and RELIABLE vehicle! A must with a growing family! :)
When that was done, we took the boys to Build A Bear.
This morning, we woke up late for church but rushed around and made it in plenty of time. Just before it started, Hank got a call on the van. Someone making a cash offer. So Hank made plans to call him back with out decision after church. Church was awesome! Pastor Tommy is talking about Community. He spoke today about how important it is to get to know one another through small groups and fellowship. He said that everyone has a story and that what makes us a community, because what you're going through, chances are that someone else may have already gone through it. So he had Shawn O'Brien and I give our testimonies.
After church, we came home and got a Bill of Sale ready for the van, and found the title and signed it over. Then Hank went and met Santos and sealed the deal. So we are now a one car family. The next step is to sell the Corvette! Then we will be taking our wrecked Mazda (you know, the one I wrecked at Crystal's house a while back) and trading it in at one of those 'push, pull, drag it in for a minimum of $3000' sales. So we will have a healthy down payment and a very minimal payment for a brand new and RELIABLE vehicle! A must with a growing family! :)
When that was done, we took the boys to Build A Bear.

I had gotten a coupon in the mail for $20 off a $40 purchase, so they both got to do one for the price of one!!

Tres got a white bunny and named him Buggs. We tried to talk him into getting a manly cow or monkey or dog or something, but he was bound and determined to have the white bunny with pink ears and nose! What can we say... he's secure in his manhood!

Bryant got a brown monkey who he deemed Curious George. I thought it was cute that he got a little brown monkey when that is what he reminds me of half the time! :)
We saw my Mom at the mall. And we went to the Disney store with her. We couldn't resist getting these clearance items for the new baby.

Aren't they cute! So we have holiday apparel for either sex! The little dress is trimmed in red velvet and has Mickey and Minnie ice skating on it! It is soooo cute! I want a healthy baby, but I would be lying to you all if I said I didn't want this one to be a girl! If it's a boy, it would be a lot cheaper for us... but who wants cheaper?? :) Either way, we are blessed. I just wish I would quit feeling like I'm gonna throw up every minute. I almost think it would be better if I did. I hate this constant sickness.

Tres got a white bunny and named him Buggs. We tried to talk him into getting a manly cow or monkey or dog or something, but he was bound and determined to have the white bunny with pink ears and nose! What can we say... he's secure in his manhood!

Bryant got a brown monkey who he deemed Curious George. I thought it was cute that he got a little brown monkey when that is what he reminds me of half the time! :)
We saw my Mom at the mall. And we went to the Disney store with her. We couldn't resist getting these clearance items for the new baby.

Aren't they cute! So we have holiday apparel for either sex! The little dress is trimmed in red velvet and has Mickey and Minnie ice skating on it! It is soooo cute! I want a healthy baby, but I would be lying to you all if I said I didn't want this one to be a girl! If it's a boy, it would be a lot cheaper for us... but who wants cheaper?? :) Either way, we are blessed. I just wish I would quit feeling like I'm gonna throw up every minute. I almost think it would be better if I did. I hate this constant sickness.
Oh the joys of a one car family!
The boys look so cute & I love Tres' face while Buggs is getting filled. He's a mess.
I hope you feel better too? So are you still craving Cajun Roast Beef?
No!!! I told Hank last night that I couldn't take that smell anymore and I threw out what I had left. Weird.
Hey- I just saw your comment and let me tell you- I'm not referring to you or parents call me EVERYDAY when I don't put something up and I feel because we live so far away I HAVE to post something (insert CHORE). i think it's cute when you guys rag me about it!!!
Now- when do we find out what it is....I'm about to pee myself just to know if your doctor was lying about it being harder if you already have 2 boys- I need hope Jamie!!!! Although, I want a boy next and then a girl last.
We won't find out what it is until April... which seems so far away!! But we hear the heartbeat on January 31. So I'm praying for a fast beat!
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