A Mother's Rambling
I feel so blessed to be a mother.
Finding out I was pregnant with my first son, made us a family.
Watching him stand in front of a church my group sang at with his pants pulled down to his ankles as he peed on their front lawn, made me laugh until my side hurt.
Finding out I was pregnant with my second son, made me laugh with dis-belief, cry in overwhelment, and smile in anticipation.
I wish I had not found dried poop in the potty training toilet that I thought I was about to put in the attic.
Bryant smiled at me for the very first time on Mother's Day 2004 and made me cry.
He smiled at me this morning as I chased him around the house trying to get him ready for church and I wanted to scream!
Tres didn't walk until his was 15 months old... but when he took his first 11 steps (and yes I counted each one), I ran for the camera while fighting tears of joy.
After Hank informed the boys that "Daddy thinks Mommy is sexy," this morning, Tres tried to mimmick his this afternoon and said, "Daddy thinks Mommy's a lefty!"
So far, I have been able to kiss almost all of my boys boo-boos away.
When Tres threw a wooden airport toy at his brother that opened up his forehead... all he could say was... "He didn't catch it!"
The last time I was sick, both of my boys kissed my tummy and used their doctor kit to make me 'all better!'
Tres decided one time to try and 'paint' his wall using the contents of his diaper.
I love to watch their little faces light up when I tell them "I love you," "I'm so proud of you," or anything like that... it's literally like watching a light bulb turn on.
I think it's comical to watch Tres's face go from joyous to devestated in the matter of a second.
I would never wish my life on anyone... because it's mine.

Ahh- that was wonderful!!
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