When you feel like a friend has offended you, do you say something or hold it in? What is the right thing to do.
Some have told me the only way to go is to be open with the person. Let them know.
But what if it would only cause drama and reciprical feelings of hurt? Not to mention how most women, and some men, hold onto things like that with a vise grip, dredging them up with offenses long forgotten to build a case against you.
I prefer to work through things silently, and with massive amounts of prayer, unless it is unavoidable.
How do you deal with situations like this? I do feel hurt and put off. But if the offender doesn't realize they have offended, is there really an issue?
I guess it would depend on this person and how he/she responds to those that offend her. If she's quick to point out when you've offended her than I'd say you should go to her.
The 3rd paragraph says alot about this person. If you've got a friend that makes you feel this way then he or she probably isn't a friend that should keep around. Or not one that I'd share too much with.
I hope that if I were to ever offend you that you'd know you could come to me. I've gotten to know you over the last few years and I consider you a great friend. I'd come to you if you'd offended me.
To me this is a tough one. I try to see it from the other person's side and work through it. I pray about it for a long time and ask God to show me what path to take, attempt to discuss it and work it out, walk away from the friendship, or to determine I am going to get over it and move past it as if it never happened. Sometimes extending grace, even when is is really hard, is the best answer.
Miss you like crazy. It has been a rough few weeks here, hope to call soon.
Betty B.
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