Things Are Going
There are a few things about Georgia living that are a definite change or departure for us. For one thing, we are on Eastern Standard Time, so here I sit at 8:36 and it's still light outside... and will be for at least another half an hour! It's making it a little hard for me to wind down for bedtime, which I suppose signals to my kids that they get to stay up late! Along those same lines, prime time TV starts at 8 here... I don't really care about that, but it's just part of the adjustment I suppose.
Also, when I was getting the utilities turned on, I got the water/sewer set up and assumed that doing that meant out trash pick-up was set up through the city. Not so, here in Douglasville! So here we are in our second week and the trash is piling up! :) I called this past Monday and got us set up. It's just different.
I need to find a Thrift Store, a closer post office, a drive in, a dollar movie, an outlet mall.... the list goes on.
School starts on AUGUST 5TH!!! Oh my word!
There are a lot of details to work out to get my boys registered... blue cards transferred from Alabama to Georgia... car tags registered to Georgia... and said cars need to have emissions tested before they can be registered. We also need a valid Georgia license. I get tired even thinking about it!
I'm ready to find a church home and get my kids plugged into some events.
My time with God has been really incredible lately. Good conversation with my ever present, always supportive, emotionally healing, physically enabling friend. It would be easy to fall into a poor-pitiful-me pattern and whine about it all. I keep reminding myself that loneliness is God's cry for alone time with Him. Here's something I have been really clinging to:
Romans 12:2
"So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you."
My house is really coming along! I will take pictures soon... maybe next week. We are already getting pictures on the wall! How crazy is that!?!?! The last time I was putting a house together, Sophie was a newborn. This time around, we set her room up first thing, and that has made all the difference! Her own toys (out of storage and out of boxes) have been like new. We got her the movie Enchanted, and while I've been unpacking, she's been going around with a duster singing Happy Working Song. It's so so so so cute! Hank had the camera with him in Delaware with the boys so I couldn't capture it, but I will definitely try to one day really soon!
Things to come in future posts:
Pics of the house (of course!)
The boys in Delaware
The boys homecoming from Delaware
Introducing the house to our kids
hang in there... i'll be there soon :)
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