Ava's Birthday Story

Tuesday, after I had my doctor appointment, I started having random contractions. Not unusual, except that they seemed harder. By 2:30, they were coming in regularly every 5-8 minutes, so Hank came home, we called the hospital and headed to the doctor's office. When we got there, nothing had changed, EXCEPT the fact that my blood pressure had skyrocketted! They made me lay down for a few minutes, then took it again... and again. It didn't go down, so they sent me down to labor and delivery to be monitored for a few hours and to do some bloodwork on me. In the meantime, they were taking my blood pressure every 30 minutes and it was getting higher and higher.
By 8 o'clock, the doctor had confirmed that they were going to induce me. Since I had had zero problems with blood pressure up until that point, they determined that in order to keep both myself and Sophie out of danger, they needed to get her delivered.
At midnight, I was started on a Pitocin Drip to make my contractions regulate enough to start progressing toward delivery. After a very LLLLOOOONNNNGGGG night of contractions and being constantly monitored (while Hank snored peacefully on the couch), the doctor came in at 6:30 to break my water. She thought she didn't get it, until I turned on my side and the flood came!! :)
At this point, I was dialated to a 3 and about 30% effaced. By 9 am, all of our family and friends were here for our little girl's impending arrival, and I had my epidural and was comfortable and able to spend some time with the boys before their sister came. Around 9:30, I all of a sudden felt sick and threw up. When I called to tell the nurse, I told her there was also a LOT of pressure. When they checked me, I was a 9 and 100% effaced. So everyone cleared out of the room to get it set up for delivery.
I have to say, this epidural was so good. There was absolutly no pain, but I could tell when I needed to push, and I could even held get my legs in position and stuff. So once, the room was set, the nurse told me to give a practice push to see how quick it would go since the doctor wasn't here yet. I gave a quick push and her head was in view!! Hank took a look and told me she had a lot of hair! It was tough not to push once she was there, because I could feel that I needed to. But the doctor got there. He got his gloves on and I pushed 3 times and she was here!!
After that, she had to have her first bath cause she was covered in white stuff (because she was early) and then it was straight under the warmer. They moved it over by me so I could check her out. She has such long toes! And she has a birth mark on her chest. Everyone who came got a chance to see her, then they headed out to lunch while we spent some family time together with the boys.

At first, Bryant wasn't so sure about her. But we have since determined that he must have been overwhelmed at the amount of people and the machinery in the room, because he wants to hold her and help with her all the time now. Tres loves his sister and keeps telling her so! It makes me smile and a little emotional every time he says it. He seems to have accepted this all in stride and with a smile on his face!
I am doing really well. I've been up and around and on zero pain killers since her birth! She is breastfeeding surprisingly well given her size! She was only down 2 ounces today, and if she doesn't drop more than 7 total ounces, she won't have to supplement!

Okay, I've been working on this all day, so that's it for now!
I'm so glad you did (post her story that is)- even though I had already heard half of it. So are you just in total love...dumb question I know. I love the first pic of her in her dress. Soooooo sweet. I can't believe you are all done. Are you at all bummed about being done or does that all go away once they come?
Thank you so much for posting as soon as possible. Thank Hank too, from all of us reading, because I know he helped post. I know you are going home tomorrow so I will not have a chance to visit (and I just read your blog at 7:30pm tonight-too late to come over there) so I will call in about a week or so and see if we can stop by. She is beautiful and I also love the pic of her in the dress. She looks like Tres to me. Lots of love from my family and also from Beverly -Val
Thanks for posting! I loved hearing about it. She's beautiful! I'm glad to hear your little guys are doing well.
Oh my goodness...That dress is tiny, but it swallows Sophie! I love it!
She just keeps getting prettier and prettier, if that is possible!!
I love the birth stories too... thanks for sharing! So you are home now? I assume? OKay so maybe by my 3rd child I will go with the epi... hearing you say "no pain" makes me wonder what that would be like!!!!!! How long do you plan to nurse?
My doctor broke my water before they started the Pitocin!
she's beautiful!
What a beautiful baby!! And I LOVE her name. Congratulations!
I love hearing the birth stories too... it only makes me wish for one more lol, I have my hands full already though so... You have such a beautiful family. Congratulations again.
She is so tiny and beautiful. Fearfully and Wonderfully made. Congratulations, on making your family complete. I enjoyed holding her even if she does weigh less than a bag of sugar. I love you girl and call when you feel up to seeing us.
Jaime, she's beautiful and I love her name. Congratulations!!!! BB
She is adorable! Congrats! Rachael Dooley
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