Okay, so I still can't use the upstairs computer and I can't figure out how to download pics onto my mom's, so I stole these pics from the baby shower off Crystal's site to share with you all who don't already visit hers!

This little ADORABLE dress was given to me by Lori & Ashley Conner (pastor's wife and daughter). I just love it! Can you tell?

This was part of one of the most sweet, thoughtful, and precious gifts I got. My niece Sierra had found a box of her baby clothes, and picked out some to give to her cousin! Not only did she pick them out, she also washed them for me, so they are ready to wear! I remember her little tiny baby self in this swimsuit!

Here's the baby's bed. I used it to display some of the gifts we were given before the shower. Such as the cute pink and white polo-style dress Crystal got her... the blanket and memory book from Denise... the Heirloom Bonnet from Kayla... and of course the bedding and mobile from my parents!

Here is a good belly shot for all of you. This is 35 1/2 weeks pregnant... just a few days short of when I had Tres at 36 weeks. I had Bryant at 37 weeks, so we'll see how this one does! :)
The shower was a lot of fun! It was like a pot-luck sort of party. We had casseroles and sides and desserts and man did I eat! I ate so much, that I was up with indigestion for a while that night. But it was so worth it!

Especially that strawberry cake from Edgars and my Grandmother's chocolate peanut butter pie!
Labels: baby, family
and this doesn't count!!!!
You better get your big ol butt in gear or I'm not giving you a break after you squeeze that sweet baby out of your CROTCH!!
You like that "big ol butt" comment don't ya...hahahaha
I knew Mel, would fuss at you for not posting pictures from your camera! I'm laughing out loud! She got ugly too, didn't she? I guess she means business.
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