My husband is so smart! He figured out what was up with the computer and now we are all back online! Here are some of my pictures I took at the baby shower.

Jennifer Snyder and I took our own picture!

Three of my favorite old ladies! :) Faith, Vickie, and my Mom. I loved how when everyone was going around and telling how they knew me, Faith said she knew me when I wasn't even a twinkle in my Daddy's eye! They should have put my Mom in the middle to have a reverse oreo thing going on!

Crystal made a new friend! This is Heather. She goes to my church. Her husband plays the drums on the praise & worship band.

Lori, Ashley, and Kelly enjoying the food! It actually took me three pics to get this, they were all eating, laughing, or blinking in the others!

Here's Tonnie cutting up the cake. I didn't do so good at getting a picture of the table, which was super cute, or all the food. And this is the only picture I got of my sister! She stayed pretty busy the whole time, though!

Life-long friends are the best kind, huh? This is Larissa, one of the few high school friend I still stay in contact with! She MADE me the CUTEST little dress. It's a white eyelet dress with ribbon spaghetti straps! So cute! And this is Becca. She and I have known each other since our youth group days! Now we live down the road from each other and our kids throw bricks at each other! :)
So that's it for the shower! I had such an awesome time! I really want to thank my Mom and Tonnie for going through all the hassle to put it together and to all you wonderful ladies who brought food!!
Labels: baby, friends
At least that is all they throw at each other, yeah right! I sure do hate pics of me.
I was sad I didn't get a pic of me & Heather...I forgot you took one!
It was a good shower & SOOOO much good food. I need that peanut butter pie recipe. I good have eaten that whole thing.
Good Job- off the hook. So did you get a picture of everything you got? Mine is next weekend and everything has been so top secret- they won't tell me anything. Connie is having it and my mom is helping but she is even keeping things from my mom because she is scared she would tell me :) Crazy Women!!
I am so sorry that I did not get to come...the beach was great though. Looks like you have lots of stuff! Please please post baby girl's arrival ASAP I would love to come see her in the hospital! By the way, you look even better than the last time I saw you-no swelling, gorgeous hair, great complexion- it seems you are just an overall beautiful pregnant woman (I would not even mention these types of comments to someone I thought looked bad so,yes, I mean them!)
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