New Stuff
Well, I haven't been able to post for a number of reasons. #1 We ended up having to get a new computer. Hank fixed our old one and then it quit too. But we found a great deal at Circuit City. $299 after mail in rebate. #2 Blogger was dealing me fits. I couldn't even post comments on other people's sites. Okay, so just two
Here is my new haircut. Hard to tell actually now that I look at it, but you get the idea. It's short with layers and sweeping long bangs that I'm still trying to get used to! But it fixes so easily!

Also, my mother-in-law planted some caulililies in my front flower bed for me and they bloomed so beautifully! I had to pull a 'Crystal' and post a picture!

The boys are doing great. They are enjoying the summer. A lot of time at Grandma and Grandaddy's pool, playing in our backyard, riding tricycles, and bug hunting. Funny... they will only hunt for dead bugs. I guess so the bugs won't 'get' them. As you can see, Bryant is still shoving his feet into his yellow rain boots every chance he gets.

OK...I really like the haircut. The flowers are awesome!
I think you need to find some new yellow boots.HAHAHA And I see Tres has on a Superman shirt. D would be so proud!
AWE!! I LOVE the haircut. Uh-Oh, no more ponytail for a while though.
The flowers are beautiful.
The cutest bug-hunters I've ever seen, yellow boots and all.
Blogger has been given everybody fits for the last couple days.
i've been having trouble posting commments too!
love the hair!
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