The most wasted of all days, is one without laughter!
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Where There's Smoke... There's Fireworks!
Yesterday was not a typical Fourth of July for our family. Tonnie and her clan are at the beach (losers), Matt and his clan had plans with Kayla's family, and my Dad was in Florida with my grandmother. So the kids and I headed over to my Mom's house around 11. The kids got to swim for a very short time before some thunderstorms came through. While they swam, I got to go to CVS... alone(see post below)! Then I came back and grilled some hamburgers for us. After we ate, we watched a little television while Sophie napped and the boys played. Then we loaded the kids up and headed to meet Hank, and Kelly for dinner at a new restaurant in Helena called Lane's. The food was pretty good... fish and chicken. It was their opening day, so we're gonna try them again cause we were some of the last customers before they closed at 8. This is NOT a good picture of my new hairdo. I had been rained on and tried to repair it, but it didn't look good. After we ate, Hank and the boys went looking for fireworks shows, Kelly and I went and got the ingredients for my mom's awesome homemade chocolate ice cream! It's so good, it will make you want to slap your momma! Just kidding... I didn't do that. This time! Ha! My Mom and Jennie with Sophie decided to stop by a fireworks stand and got a few fireworks for the boys and Hank to do. So we all got back to Mom's house and that's when, to me, it felt like a holiday. It was different not having my Dad there. He was definitely missed. But we had a good time!The boys ooh and ahh over the fireworks before they get started.Let the show begin!!Impressive! Not scared... but not excited either. Absolutely incredible! Now for a little sparkler action...Who doesn't like sparklers??Aunt Kelly! That's who! She's not a big fan of fireworks because of a family member getting hurt with a Roman Candle. I wouldn't be either.But my boys have no bad memories to keep them from enjoying fireworks...... until today. My little dimple chinned cuddle bug burned his face, not once, but twice. He kept assuring us that he was not hurt. Then it was time for some ice cream! Yeah!! The boys thought if they watched it, it would be ready sooner...Before long, they were looking for something else to keep them busy, and this is what they came up with. Roller Baby Derby! And after what seemed to them like a vvveeerrryyy lllloooonnnngggg wait, we all got to enjoy some. It was a very fun fourth, overall. It was missing the element of the full family experience, but it was good in its own way!
good family fun
I wanna bite!
all your baby's are just adorable but oh that baby girl just melts my heart!!!
did the fireworks scare Baby Sophie?
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