Belly Shot
The weekend before Ava Sophia made her debut, my friend Crystal came over to the house to help us out with a project. I had decided that since this was my final pregnancy (God willing), that I wanted to boys to have some fun with it too. So I went and bought some finger paints and let them paint my belly. I NEVER would have done this with my other two pregnancies, but thought that if they didn't turn out well, I just wouldn't post them. Well, before we had a chance to really go through the pictures or do any photoshop, little girl decided she needed to be here! So when I got home, Hank had this one done for me!
It was fun to let the boys paint on me. Tres even decided to thoroughly paint my belly button at one point! :) We had to wipe it all off and start over at one point, because it was just a huge mesh of all the paint colors!
In this particular shot, both of them had a hand on my belly, Tres is on the right and Bryant is on the left. Hank dropped out all the color except for the paint. I love it! Hank actually also got me a 5 x 7 print to frame, and we included one in her baby book. It's a good thing that paint covers stretch marks, huh?

Oh I love it! I'm happy they turned out so well. And even more special that Hank got it framed for you.
Sounds like lots of fun! Are you still cleaning paint out of your belly button? ha!
OH!!! I LOVE IT!!!!
Jamie we just did that this weekend!!!! That is too funny! Twilight Zone I tell you!!!
Also I haven't posted because xanga is taking forever I will keep trying till it lets me- I do have a couple of things to post about so I'm trying for ya!
Loving all the posts!! Cant's wait for Ava Sophia and Felicity to be good buds!!!
I like it! Looks great... of course I'm all about painting bellies!
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