'el stuff!
'el is going good. We have one more engagement this year, then we are taking off for the holidays! We sent out a promo sheet last week to work on bookings for next year. I'm proud of this 'one pager.' I designed it myself and put it together on photoshop.

It's difficult for me to separate the business and ministry sides of 'el sometimes... it just seems such a difficult balance. But I think we are doing all right. We sang at Dothan on October 29th. It was fun! We got to see a bunch of people that we had met over the years from All State Choir and Drama. Bethany & Shane Wise, Misty Kelly, Wendy Odom, to name a few.

It was also an awesome time of ministry. It is quite easy in a church the size of Dothan First to get intimidated. It would have been just as easy to listen to the voice of the deceiver telling us that we weren't good enough. But we pushed through in prayer, and man did I feel His anointing!! It felt fresh, which is huge considering that we have sang these same songs for a while now!
The good news is that we are ready finacially to head back into the studio! The next step for us is getting together and going through all the original songs and deciding which ones to use for this one! I am super excited! I feel like we learned a lot the first time around, and now is our time to put that into practice. God is good! It feels good to be living a God dream.
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