Disney On Ice

We took the boys to see Disney On Ice on Saturday night. It was great! Since it was their 100th anniversary, they had all the great characters there. The boys wanted to dress up, so Bryant went at Buzz Lightyear and Tres went at the Red Power Ranger... both very cute!

We had great seats, courtesy of 33/40... front row!! Bryant only got scared one time, when the Genie appeared out of a cloud of smoke... I don't think they are very familiar with that cartoon, yet. Anyway, after popcorn, drinks, and cotton candy that came with a crown that had Mickey Ears, we came away only having spent $17! We took them last year, and spent over $50 on souvenirs! I know, I know... we love our kids though.

We saw the stories of Cinderella, Snow White, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, Lion King, Incredibles, Buzz Lightyear, Pinochio, and more skated and acted out. It was so fun! Fireworks and Mickey completed the evening! It was good preperation for our upcoming trip.
We plan on taking the boys for a two day visit to Disney the week before Thanksgiving. Since we will be in Val Dosta anyway for the holiday (only 3 hours from Orlando) we decided to make it count! It's just gonna be me, Hank, and the boys! I'm so excited!
Hey Jamie!
Got your message. It's SOUTH Carolina, but yes, I'm enjoying it! I love it here. I went and saw the Trans-Siberian Orchestra tonight. It was amazing! If you ever have the chance to see it in concert, you should. While I was in Bama, I made it up to your neck of the woods to visit a friend. I was thinking of you.
Oh how fun!
Bickie wants to go too!!
OH what fun! Monsters on Ice is coming here. I really wanted to take Justus but it's the weekend we're coming to BAMA. Pooey! It looks so cool!
maybe next year we'll take the little ones... we're taking Darcy to see the Doodlebops for her b'day... i hope it keeps her attention... i'm a little nervous b/c i don't know how she'll act.
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