Bryant Stuff
Today was interesting. I woke up with a massive head ache. But I had promised my mom I would take my sister Jennie to the doctor because she was waiting on an apointment at the house that was supposed to get there sometime between 9a-1p. So I took the boys to mom, picked up Jennie and took her to her doctor. By the time I got back to mom's, I was having shivers and feeling miserable. Mom offered to let Tres stay and play, so Bry and I headed home. I got him down for a nap and then myself. When we got up, the electricity was out, so we took a short walk. The power was back on pretty quickly.
Today made me realize something. I don't get to spend a lot of one-on-one time with Bry. So when I do, I try to focus directly on him. He loves to dress up and act mean! His favorite weapon of choice is a sword. Tonight, I caught him more than once, waiting for his brother and daddy at the front door, and practicing his poses as he watched his reflection. He counts pretty well, and his speaks better and better. He makes some pretty funny faces! He is animated and quirky! He still lets me hug and kiss and hold him like a baby every now and then... like just a while ago when I held him and sang to him until he fell asleep.
He's been playing this new game. I call it 'The Hawlp! Game.' He pretends to fall off of something or be knocked down, and he holds one arm up to his daddy or me and says, "Hawlp! Hawlp!" until one of us 'hawlps' him. He is also into EVERYTHING and thinks he can get away with ANYTHING as long as he smiles. He says "I nin't mean tu!" instead of I'm sorry. And instead of saying yes ma'am like I've taught him, most of the time he gives an exagerated "Ottttaaayyyy!"
He falls asleep with one leg crossed over the other at the ankle and his arms behind his head or he falls asleep completely covered up from head to toe. He love ranch dressing more than ice cream. He says an words with an 'l' in it with his tongue stuck out to make the 'l' sound. I like for him to say 'yellow' and 'Bob the Builder' the best. He loves to sing. His favorite song right now is Jingle Bells, aka Bee-a-boll. When he sings it, it goes a little something like this: "Bee-a-boll! Bee-a-boll! Bee a aww a way! Hey! Bee-a-boll! Bee-a-boll! Bee a aww a way! Hey!"
And the boy can pucker for a kiss better than anyone I know!

Just wanted to share... these are things I don't want to forget when he is older.
That is so sweet. He's my little buddy. RRAAARRRRRRR BICKIE!!!
Hahahaha....No wonder D & Bry get along so well, with the love for Superman & ranch dressing how could they not?
thats so sweet!!
when the boys are napping darcy will climb up in my lap and sit there forever... i just eat it up. i wish i had more time to spend one on one with my children.... i love em all to pieces!
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