Bryant's room is my favorite bedroom in our house, decoration wise. His room is a Hawaiian theme. And the reason it is, is because while I was pregnant with him, Hank and I took a trip to Hawaii with his family. It was awesome!! Beautiful weather, awe-inspiring sunsets, huge waves, surfing competitions, pineapple plantations, volcanos, barrier reef... I could go on and on!! Anyway, when we got home, we tackled his room, and this is how it ended up (except it used to have a crib with Hawaiian bumper pads in it!).
Here is his bed. This bed was actually one of a set of bunks that Hank used in college. The shelf above the bed, Hank made. It is a surfboard.
Here is the room from the door. The entertainment system used to serve as our changing table. We recently coverted it back to entertainment when Bry got to big for it! Also note the lantern lights, the boogie board, and the grass shirt around the table.
Bryant's ceiling is very high. Instead of doing a painted border, we decided to go to Party City and 'invest' in grass hut trim. Hank also stained this bamboo pole, and hung a string of lantern lights from the ceiling.
This is my favorite thing in Bry's room. While we were in Hawaii, we were at the Dole Plantation (as in pineapple) and I saw this in their massive gift shop. My mother-in-law saw me fall in love with it and bought it for me. It is an A-B-C quilt with all things Hawaiian. Hawaiians are known for their quilting ability.
Awe...I love his room too!
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