Master Bedroom
This is our new king-size bed!! We got it as a gift from my Aunt Mary several months ago! We love it cause we can all four fit in it with no problems, just like this morning. My favorite things in here are my new window treatments (custom made and also courtesy of my Aunt Mary). The one on the right actually covers a door that leads out back. They keep it nice and dark in our room. Another favorite thing is the old console radio I got for Hank for Father's Day at a yard sale. When we get into our next home (That will be bigger and have a work area for him!), he is going to restore it. But for now, it is tucked into the corner of our already crowded Master Bedroom!

Just noticed your comment on one of my posts. We are only going to have the 2. I got my tubes tied after Emma cuz I have been diabetic for 26 years and from having that for so long and all the toll that has taken on my body plus 2 pregnancies (not to mention Jesse was 10 lbs) The drs didn't want me to have any more. They didn't even want me to have any after Jesse, but I didn't want an only child so I promised after the next one I would get them tied. That is why she was a surprise cuz I knew she would be it so I wanted one surprise ya know?
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