35 years old

Today is Hankie's birthday. It's been sort of laid back. After church we went to Mc Donalds and got food and let the boys play. They fell asleep on the way home. So we all came home and took a nap. It's so stinkin' hot outside that we are waiting until nearly 7 to go to the park! But it's all good!
Yesterday was Hank's party. We invited some family and friends over to my parent's house to swim and eat and hang out. Hank ordered some ribs, french fries, and mac and cheese... so we did that... along with hamburgers, drumsticks, grape salad, mississippi mud cake, and cheesy bean dip. It was all so good!! Hank, Brett, and Shawn got to jumping off the diving board doing daredevil stuff... they were doing flips and dives, then decided to try and land on an intertube. Such boys! Then a bunch of them went and looked at Tonnie and Brett's lot were their foundation got poured and blocks started going up. They are very excited to see it get started. It was a great night with lots of laughs!

Two SWEETIES after my own heart!!
Thanks for the encouragement!!! Sitting around waiting is obviously not a smart thing to do. J keeps me pretty busy but having learned the art of multi-tasking isn't coming in handy at this time. Is more of a hindrance!
We had a good time! Thanks for inviting us over. And that picture of Hank cracks me up.
Come and play- everything's A-OK...on my way to where the air is sweet- can ya tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street.......come play with me (check my blog)
Looks like so much fun!!! Miss you!
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