So I'm in my late twenties... what of it?
On my birthday, Hank took the day off (by far the BEST present I got!). Since the boys were at my parent's house, after I got back home... I crawled in bed and slept for about an hour or so, then Hank and I got ready and went and had a late lunch at the Grey House Grill in Homewood. We had received a gift certificate at Christmas, so we cashed that bad boy in! Hank got a hamburger and I got a Ribeye steak! Hey, it was my birthday! It was so good too! And we actually got to have an unplanned meal with Tonnie & Brett. Tonnie was getting off of work, and Brett was there to pick her up. So they sat down with us and we talked and laughed the meal away! So much fun. Then we went and picked up the boys and mom's house. We had decided since it was warm to take them to the park, and when I told Tres where we were going, Luke looked at me with sad puppy dog eyes, and said "I never go to the park, Aunt Jamie." So we ended up taking Luke and Sierra too :) We had a blast!

We spent time swinging...

We spent time sliding...

And just monkeying around!

One of the best birthdays to date, people. I must say! God has truly blessed me! I got a sexy husband, the cutest kids, and a God who is ever merciful! Until next time!

All the pictures are sweet Jamie!
sounds like you've been a busy bee... happy late birthday!
The article in the Birmingham News was AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!! Did I say it was AWESOME!!
May I have your Autograph?
I am so EXCITED for you!!!!!!!!!!!
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