Henry John Boemer, III "Tres" ~ 3 years 4 months

Things I love about my little man:
- He has began using a new favorite phrase... "You know, Mom, I'm a big boy!" "I'm playing with Star Wars toys, you know."
- He tries to repeat everything we say. Instructions become 'perstructions.' Indescribable becomes 'inderdinable.' It's kind of fun to see what he will come up with!
- He gets SUPER silly when he is SUPER tired. No naps, mean insanity at our house!
- He has discovered the joys of computer games, gameboys, and the V-Smile.
- He is so smart!! He counts and tells you what letters words start with already!!
- He knows EVERYTHING. Just ask him. And he will let you know when he thinks you are wrong!
- He likes to be naked.
- He is WAY too busy to really potty train. Playing all day really takes up your time.
- He has such good manners! And he is trying to teach Bryant! (I would like to say that a little cartoon called "Good Manners With Max" has really helped in this area.) He also makes an announcement everytime he uses good manners: "I have very good manners, Mom."
- He loves to hear himself talk. He will often contradict himself in the same sentence. "I'm not going to school today, but I am." "I'm hungry, but I'm not."
- His best friend is still his daddy.
- His favorite show is STILL Rolie Polie Olie.
- He loves anything chocolate (that's my boy!), Doritos (that's daddy's boy!), and meat, meat, meat.
- He still takes hamburgers and hot dogs off the bun and eats just the meat.
- He doesn't even hesitate to give hugs and kisses!! In fact, he likes to give out 'spitsy' kisses too. He named them himself.
- He will randomly walk by his brother and push him down, just because he can.
- He has to get a haircut at least every 3 weeks. He has massive amounts of hair!
- He still things kissing a boo-boo makes it all better.
- He knows his full name is Henry John Boemer, III. And he's proud of it!
- He sings so loud and so sweet!! I love singing with him in the car.
List is TBA... gotta get ready for volleyball!

Awe....I love your lists...They always make me smile.
Oh & I would come spend the day with you, if I had a car....Just thought I would say that! ;)
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