Bryant Steven Boemer ~ 22 Months

Things I love about my baby boy:
- Anytime he is in his carseat, high chair, in a buggy... anything that has a buckle...he says, "Buhull, Momma!"
- He loves to play with 'coo coos'-- or trains.
- He is obsessed with shoes. He tries on any he can find!! And if they don't suit his fancy, he will end up wearing his yellow rain boots around the house.
- He carries around at least one of his five silkies at all times, and he sleeps with them all.
- We're working on manners, so anytime he asks for more, we are adding please at the end. This is how it usually comes out, "Mo, pe-ah!"
- He pee-pees in the 'big boy potty' more than his older brother.
- Anytime a stranger who is a man pays attention to him, he gives the stranger a blank stare as he sucks his pacie. Anytime a stranger who is a women pays attention to him, he waves and smiles, and scrunches up his nose.
- He instantly recognizes Wal-mart (wah-wah), McDonald's (donos), and the Dollar Store (do sto).
- He smiles at me and brings his forehead to mine, like we have a big secret.
- He tries to wink and just blinks really hard.
- He doesn't care that a banana is yellow, or that my shirt is red. But he can build Mega Blocks like nobodies business!
- He loves fruit snacks, pudding, pretzels, and cereal.
- While he still comes to Momma if he has a boo-boo or if brother (bubbar) has hurt him, Daddy is the parent of choice!
- He loves to slide.
- He loves Wiggles, Dora the Explorer, and Backyardigans.
- He wears sunglasses in the car. The ones he usually wears are Mickey Mouse ones where the shades open up.
- He loves to play with his Daddy's cell phone. He puts the phone up to his ear, leans on the couch, and crosses one leg over the other and says, "Lo?"
- He loves to play with keys, and we often find him 'unlocking' all the bedroom doors.
- He sings and dances like a spaz, but looks so cute!
- He likes for Momma to sing him to sleep at night.

how cute... i'll have to update you guys on Darcy.
Gosh he has grown! It looks like he has thinned out and gotton a couple of inches of height on him since I've seen him last. Of course I haven't seen him since December!
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