We figured out that we have all our Christmas Day pictures still on the camera! Yeah!!!! Let's start with Valdosta Christmas.
Christmas morning, we got up and opened presents from Santa at Grammy and Pop Pop's house.

The boys were the late risers being that we are on Alabama time which is an hour behind everyone else. So they were up by 8 am and relieved to find that Santa had indeed found us!

Tres loved opening every single one of his gifts, but his Lego Star Wars sets all received the biggest reactions!

Bryant gave BIG reactions to every present he opened! So funny.

Sophie watched all the unwrapping with rapt attention and interest. Then she needed a little help from her brothers to dive into the festivities.

After all the presents had been opened, it was necessary to begin playing with everything right away, you understand.

Bryant opened some Star Wars guys and decided to play with them on my head!

Have you guys ever heard of Soft Air Rifles? Well, some of the bigger cousins got them for Christmas, and decided to break them out.

No, this is not a 'Future Uni-Bomber of America' Meeting!!! It's a tactical meeting for one of the Air Soft teams. It was pretty funny to those of us in the house. We would look out a window and see someone with gun raised and pointed, creeping along one side of the house or ducking around a corner!

Here's my niece Ashton in on the action! The day was not without it's casualties though...

Apparently 'Soft Air,'

isn't so soft, after all!
Those of us not really wanting to get pelted by 'soft air,' maintained a neutral zone around the fire pit.

Notice Grammy wearing her Alabama Santa hat and Pop Pop wearing his Grumpy Santa hat! Too funny. After lunch, we loaded up our boys and headed back to Bama.

Needless to say, it was a super quiet ride home!
Labels: Christmas, family
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