Opening Game!
Well, this past weekend kicked off football season! Alabama fans everywhere were happy that we won our first game! Yeah! Victory is sweet! Especially since the last time we played Hawaii we lost. Hank and I were at that game too and it was played in Hawaii.

We got to see Hank's parents briefly this past weekend too. They stay with us on football weekends and we all go to the game together as much as possible. We had not seen them since late April, so the boys were thrilled and excited to see them! The Boemers brought Ryan, the boys' oldest cousin, with them too. So that was a nice treat for them. It was a very brief visit though. They got here on Saturday afternoon and left on Sunday morning.

It sure was a hot and humid day for football! Fun though! We had hamburgers and brauts at the tailgate and a lot of other fun tailgate foods. Then we headed to the new and improved stadium a little early, since it how seats about 9,000 more fans!!!

Jim Nabors, aka Gomer Pile, was there to sing the national anthem! And we got to see John Parker Wilson (brother of Ross on MTV's Two-A-Days) make some good plays!

Hey Aunt Jamie, I posted new pictures on my blog. Cheek it out.
I can NOT beleive that we were in the same place and did not know it and did not get to see each other!!!
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