The Color Game: Green

The boys found this lizzard in the back yard and made their daddy take a picture of it. Haven't seen him since... I guess he's camera shy!

This is the most recent picture of the boys together (until September). Doesn't it make them look angelic? :) This was taken at portrait innovations. You would never know that between the two of them, someone cried the! whole time
I know this is a mix of green and white, but I just love these flowers. I carried silk caulililies in my bridal bouquet. And actually they are now in a vase in my dining room. My mother-in-law planted some for me several months ago, and they came up so beautifully!

I have tried to find a place up here to do that kind of picture with my kids, but can't find anyone who does it anymore. My sister and I have pics like that, and I love them.
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