Finding our Groove...
At home, at work, and with 'el! That's what I've been doing this last week! Sorry for the lack of posts, but I've got to figure out when to do that now. I guess at night will be my best bet.
Work is going good. I thought I would have a problem getting there at 6 am, but so far, I've gotten there in plenty of time, and been home by 9:30 at the latest! Finances are still a question mark, since this is the first week we won't have a full paycheck from me, but I am certain God is taking care of us! For starters, we eat at home a lot now. And we don't go nearly as much... at least for now. And that is nice.
Home is great! I can already see a difference in the way my boys respond to me. I love how they don't question that things have changed.... they just roll with it. Yeah, so Mom is home and feeding us, and playing with us, and finger painting with us, and cleaning up and stuff. Just normal. I love normal. It's not utopia by any means. Bryant still gets into EVERYTHING. And Tres is so resistant still to potty training, but I think I'm wearing him down!
'el is... well 'el is a blessing in my life. I love how I didn't seek this out. I love how we aren't rushing into anything. I love how we don't have to question if we are moving in the right direction... we know we are, because we are all praying and seeking God about every move we make. And with four prayers aimed in the same direction, you know if it doesn't feel right, we won't do it. This past weekend was phenominal to say the least!! Check out the 'el blog for pics and the full story! God is a God of provision, people. And I mean that.
Well that's about it from me!! I stay pretty tired with working, the home front, singing and volleyball... but I will be a better blogger!
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