Weird Wal-Mart Story
I went into Wal-Mart yesterday with Sophie and Tres after I had picked him up from school. When I take Sophie into a public place like Wal-mart, the grocery store, etc. I cover her carrier with a blanket so no one can breathe on her. After I picked up a few things, we made our way to one of the self checker things. The lady that was stationed in front of them, came around to the the front of the buggy, where Sophie was and PICKED UP THE BLANKET AND STUCK HER HEAD IN IT! I was amazed that someone would have the nerve to do that. She said, "Awe, what a cute little baby!" and then proceeded to REACH IN TO TOUCH HER! I politely said, "If you don't mind, please don't touch her. With her being so small, I'm just trying to keep germs away." While I said that, I was covertly pulling the bag towards me. The ladies face turned red and her friendly smile changed to an offended smile. Then she asked, "What did you name ner anyway?" So I told her. After all, I wasn't mad at her... I just didn't think it was appropriate for a PERFECT STRANGER to come up and try to touch a child that was #1 not hers... and #2 COVERED UP! She works in a public forum for goodness sakes! She touches a register that 10-15 other people touch every day and she is exposed to the unwashed masses! :) After I told her Ava's names, she looked kind of smug and said, "Isn't that a strange name." To which I promptly replied, "Isn't that an odd thing to say." She quickly turned and walked way, which is a good thing! Cause if she had persisted, there might have been a SERIOUS SMACK DOWN in Wal-mart on the news at 10! :)
Labels: Ava Sophia
I PROMISE to get the canopy finished this week.
Some people have NO common sense.
I would have said, "Well, isn't it strange for a perfect stranger to pick up a babies blanket to peek in...When it's apparent, that she's covered for a reason!"
Almost ALL the walmart employees need a SMACK-DOWN!!!
Who was she? What walmart? Let me go take care of her! HA!
People don't even use their heads any more do they? I'm proud of you for standindig up to her- I don't have the nerve to tell people not to touch Jack.
I'm seriously laughing at loud on this one... thats sooooo stinking funny!! I can really hear you saying that!! i wish I would have been there!
It's dangerously stupid to mess with a momma in the first couple months of a new baby!!!!!!
My guess is that she had to check for 'items' that may have been hidden. People will use anything they can to steal stuff.
Then once she saw the precious baby she just couldn't stop herself.....just an educated guess.
She must have been baby smart oblivious!
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