It's been busy lately! Finishing getting the house ready to sell... tee-ball practices... getting ready for our Disney trip next week... and a whole lot of other little things! I've been slacking on blogging!
Although Hank had to work, the boys and I spent Memorial Day at the pool with my mom & dad. The videos below are from Monday. We had a blast! The boys rode that Ski Doo thing until the batteries went dead! Bryant especially loved it!
Tres ended up having a red throat and an ear infection when I took him to the doctor on Friday. We didn't get to see our regular Pediatrician because he was out of town, so we saw another doctor at the same practice. Well I wasn't very comfortable with him or I would have asked him to please look at Bryant's throat and ears too... especially with it being a long weekend. Friday night, Bryant woke up and told me he was hurting. I gave him Tylanol and put him in bed with me. On Saturday night, I was up almost every hour with him! By Sunday, I had decided it was an ear infection, was alternating tylenol and motrin and giving him ear numbing drops. So we went to the pediatrician on Tuesday, and sure enough he had a severe double ear infection. I asked if it was due to swimming, but the doctor said his ears has so much wax that any water that got in them didn't get far! Gross! They had to irrigate his ears to remove all the wax (this is the stuff on the inside that I can't reach with my handy q-tip!). They are both on the same anti-biotic and both are feeling so much better!
Hank and I have officially gotten all three bedrooms and bathrooms ready. I am working today on getting the living area ready. The yard is ready, pictures are being taken, and we will put together a flier maybe tomorrow so we can put a sign in the yard as soon as this weekend! AHHHHH!!!
We leave for Disney next week, and Hank has been busy putting the t-shirts together. They all look so good... of course, I'm biased and think he can do anything :)
Below are a couple of things for Baby Girl Boemer that I've picked up on sale:

ok, i wanna go shopping..........THERE!!!
I absolutely LOVE the "rockstar" shirt. And that tiny peacoat is adorable. All the clothes are great!
Don't let me forget to get that baby gets an Auburn outfit.
precious... do you ever look on they have a lot of good stuff there too and its $5 shipping
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