Bryant at the Dentist

Hank and I have learned a HARD lesson. Also find out if there is fluoride in your water... and take your kids in to see the dentist early! We brush twice a day, but both our kids had/have cavities. Bryant's are all minor, and the dentist said his are most likely due to the fluoride as well as juice (DILUTE THE JUICE PEOPLE!). I like that they are both a lot more aware of their oral hygene now. And with this little girl coming up, we will be fanatical about it, I'm sure! :)
I'm still shocked the city didn't let you know that there was no fluoride in the water. We don't have it in our city either & found out, when I went with Lindy to take Mercy to the Dr & I happened to see a list of what cities in our area don't provide fluoride. I would send that dentist bill to the city & make them pay it. They owe it to the citizens to tell them. Think of all the young families that live there, that have no clue.
I wouldn't worry about the flouride in water. Alot of kids are raised on well water like mine and their teeth are fine. I would look to sweets and cokes. Also, some kids just have teeth that are cavity prone.
Unfortunately, I have some issues with my teeth. We were praying that the kids would inherit Hank's teeth, though! Bryant doesn't do sweets that often. But he does LOVE his juice... which he is gonna find seriously watered down! :)
Looks like you use the same dentist as we do. At least the office looks the same (at medplex on valleydale?) I agree with anonymous...some kids (like my brother and Alex) can brush until they bleed and still get cavaties. Alex brushes better than me and yet I have never had a cavity and he has at least one at every doctor visit.
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