Marking Our Territory
Well, I'm not sure what's going on here... but I have already typed this and when I tried to add a picture, I went to change the laundry. When I came back it was magically erased. I can't blame it on the boys... they are playing trains in Bry's room. Things that make you go hmmmm....
Over the weekend, my wonderful husband and my terrific father, poured a cement pad on the other side of our house so that we can store lawn equipment and yard paraphanalia (I like that word) on it without cluttering our newly fenced in back yard. By the time they got done with it, the boys were down for a nap and didn't get to put their hand prints in it. Since they had some left over mixed up cement, they came around the house to where our side door is and found a strip of grass by the door and decided to cover that as well. That worked out great for me!! Now we can put the grill there right beside the door that is closest to the kitchen! By the time they had that one ready, the boys were up and ready to commemorate the day. Well, at least Tres was. He did his hands and feet. We had to get Bry's feet in kicking and screaming. It literally took Hank and I to get his feet in there. Hank, myself, and my Dad also did it. So, now we have officially marked our territory some four years after moving in!

Now you will never want to move or you'll wind up digging that piece of cement up like Lucy did of John Wayne's feet and hand prints.
D & I did that 2, when we poured the cement for the fence.
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