The Sky is Falling!

Hank and I took Tres to see his first movie on Wednesday night! My dad, Tres's grandaddy, went with us. Tres and I went and picked up my dad and then went and had dinner at Little Italy's in Alabaster. Then we headed to the movies. Tres was so excited!! He was just awe struck by the whole experience. It is very cool to get to experience all of these everyday or ordinary things, through a child's eyes. We had to wait on Hank to get to the theatre, so while we waited Tres had some Dippin' Dots, courtesy of his Grandaddy! Then we bought popcorn. Then we gave Tres his ticket and he walked up to the young man taking tickets. He cranked his head back as far as it could possibly go to thank him. Then we all headed into the theatre. When he came out of the hallway into the theatre, Tres said, "It's a really big tv!" We went and sat down and got settled just in time for the movie to start. I leaned over and told him that if he got scared he could hold my hand. Before the previews started they played that trailor for the theater where it feels like you are flying past popcorn and drinks and stuff. When that started it got dark, and Tres said, "Mom, I need your hand!" He held it tightly with one hand with the other slightly covering his eyes, until he saw the popcorn. "It's just popcorn, Mom!" From that part on, he was engrossed. He loved every single minute, and didn't want to leave until the final credit had rolled. He has since told us that he wants to see it again, and he wants to see the Curious George movie that was advetised. And he informs me any time we get in the car of where the theatre is!

My grandkids want to see this movie, but their parents want to take them. There goes my excuse to see it at the theatre!!
so.......where is Little Italy??? Guess it's good cause I think you've posted about eating there before.
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