Convo with Tres-man!

Tres is so much fun to talk to these days!! Here is a conversation I had with him last night:
Tres: Hey Momma, I pooted.
Mom: Say excure me.
Tres: Excusssseeee meeeeee! (he pauses and thinks for a minute) What is poots, Momma?
Mom: (Trying not to laugh) Well.... (scrambling to think in 3-year-old terms)... it's air that gets trapped inside your body, and it has to get out.
Tres: It's air? Poots is air?
Mom: Yeah, baby. (I was sort of proud of my definition until...)
Tres: But sometimes, poots come with poo poo.
Mom: Ummm... yeah, sometimes they do.
Tres: Yep, they do. They sure do.

Hahahahahaha....You never what he's going to say.
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